Monday, February 25, 2008

Peer pressure makes people conserve: psychologist

Want your neighbours to start conserving energy? Conserve it yourself and then let them know you’re doing it. A study by a psychologist at Arizona State University says that, while people say that what their neighbours do does not affect their behaviour, it actually does.

Read it here.

Public opinion drives Green Europe: ambassador

It would be political suicide for a European government to be seen as less than green, the European Union’s ambassador to Canada says. Last week, Ambassador Dorion Prince told the Fredericton Daily Gleaner how public opinion is driving European politicians to bring in strict limits on greenhouse gas emissions. He made the comments while on tour in New Brunswick to promote a “cap and trade” program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Go here to check it out.

Clinton Climate site highlights best practices around the world

Who’s the world leader in stopping water from leaking out of municipal pipes? What city has integrated bicycles right into its public transit system? What city is more than halfway to becoming entirely fossil-fuel free? Want to know how much it costs to drive a “Chelsea Tractor” in downtown London? If you’ve ever wished there were one place that listed all the best practices for saving energy in one place, is for you. Check it out for ideas that could help us transform Toronto.